🎉Currently Accepting Applications For 1:1 Coaching With Jess🎉

Apply Now To The Emotional Elevation Method:

The Exclusive 3 Month 1:1 Coaching Program For Divorcees, Folks Who’ve Left Long Term Relationships and Singles Over 40

Who Want to Heal The Past and Find Lasting Healthy Love

Apply To Join the Emotional Elevation Method today!



the Emotional Elevation Method

The Premiere 1:1 Coaching Program That Helps Divorcees and Folks Who've Left Long Term Relationships Develop Self Love and Create New and Lasting Relationships Through A Proven Process of Spiritual Healing, Subconscious Mind Reprogramming, and Attracting from Self-Love!


3 Step Roadmap

The Exact Formula and Resources to Create Self Love, Attract Healthy Long Term Relationships and Raise Emotional Standards Without Swiping, Re-Living and Analyzing the Past in Therapy, or Faking Positivity to Manifest Your Person

Audio Meditation Library

Get Meditations, Subconscious Clearing and Activation Processes Tailored to Each Phase & Practice to Keep you Aligned With Your relationship Goals! This Library is Pure Gold!

1:1 Coaching With Jess

Get 60 min Calls Every 2 Weeks, Voxer Throughout Our Journey to Support You On Everything From Mindset Shifting to Boundaries & Triggers and Manifesting Tips that Actually Work.


"I feel GOOD every day. I notice more people gravitate towards me, like l'm a magnet to positive energy"My ex of 6 years dumped me on my birthday. I thought my life was over. I tried several different "therapists," but nothing was working. I stumbled across Jess's IG, and signed up for her free mini course. Two minutes into our first session, I knew I was saved. It's been a tough journey, but this course has changed my life, and I'm not even done yet!! I have a new love for myself that I never knew was possible. I am doing everything that I always wanted to do but was always afraid to do. I feel GOOD every day. I notice more people gravitate towards me, like l'm a magnet to positive energy. I don't have anxiety like I used to have, or the need for control in every situation. I feel relaxed and free. I laugh more. I'm more patient with my daughter. I am more accepting to change. I have learned to let go of the resistance that was holding me back before. It might sound ridiculous, but I can not imagine anything better. I owe everything to Jess."

Dustin L

“I had hit rock bottom. I was drowning in anxiety, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, procrastination, people-pleasing, rigid thinking, limiting beliefs, emotional immaturity, reactivity, and toxic patterns. Everything bothered me and I allowed the stress from work to follow me around like a storm cloud and seep into all facets of my life. Outside of individual therapy, I tried podcasts, books, journaling, support groups, courses, and any free content I could find, but something was missing. I had the raw materials and blueprint but lacked the instructions and didn’t know where to start. I was stuck and couldn’t get out of my own way.

Working with Jess has allowed me to break free from living life on subconscious auto-pilot and constant dysregulation. I’ve reconnected with my authentic self. Learned how to take only what I need and leave what doesn’t serve me. How to slow down and focus on the important things and not obsess over the immediate. How to be curious, not judgemental and a willingness to be open to different possibilities. Shifting my locus of control from external to internal,  I’ve come to be able to walk through life with ease and enjoyment. 

Jess saved me from myself. She can help you, too!"


"My name is Juli and I was lucky enough to find Jess via Instagram.When I first started out with Jess I was a victim of a severe narcissist who pummelled me daily. Not physically but mentally. He had several affairs throughout out our 32 year marriage and finally did me the service of asking for a divorce. I was devastated, but with Jess' help, I have come out of the horrible life I was in, to be a thriving, self-assured woman. It took a minute of course and I am still in contact with Jessica weekly. I give her most of the credit for me even being alive. As I thought that I couldn't live without the horrible person that I thought was the man I would spend the rest of my life with.With Jess' help and tools, I am happy and I am finding the confident woman that I used to be! No wait, I have found the confident woman that I AM!!!I am now I’m a committed, healthy, and radically different relationship with a man who goes out of his way to treat me with care and respect. It’s like an alternate reality!So, Jess comes HIGHLY recommended by me, the victim of an awful man, who has found her way out of the narcissists world!"



  • Identify thoughts, words, and behaviours that limit love in your life

  • I will start to clear the subconscious blockages that keep you stuck in the above patterns (seriously I will be doing this FOR YOU)

  • Create clear standards and boundaries around how you want your relationships to feel so you can recognize and attract quality partners


  • Release resentment and judgement of self and others

  • Taking action on the ‘shoulds’ and dropping the baggage and blame

  • Learning to embody your intuitive self

  • Stabilize your nervous system to receive attention and hold connection

  • Create a consistent spiritual practice and learn to co-create with the Universe


  • Living by new emotional and energetic standards

  • Attracting attention, and quality potential partners effortlessly

  • Feeling whole as you put yourself out there without fear

  • Automatically think, speak, and act with confidence and clarity

"Because of our work together, Nicole was able to safely see parts of herself she had not been acknowledging and was finally able to embrace them shame-free. With the tools I provided, she is now able to continuously show up for herself with compassion, while also gentling pushing herself to make changes needed for her ongoing growth!

Somehow my soul knew I needed to connect with Jess and do this work. It was a quiet nudge that I probably would have normally ignored, but I am very thankful that I listened. Because it turned out to be everything that I needed and more.

With her experience Jess created a sacred space for me to meet myself in the most loving way. I was finally able to safely see parts of me that I had not been acknowledging and embrace them shame-free. The tools she provided me with have allowed me to continuously show up for myself with this same level of compassion, while also gently pushing myself to make changes needed for my ongoing growth.

Because of the work I have done with Jess I can now confidently say I have come home to myself and if ever I become disconnected from that place I know how to shift to come back. Living life from my authentic self has had many positive ripple effects and I am excited to continue to watch them happen. I am not sure how you thank the person that has helped transform your mindset and subsequent life experience, but I am forever grateful for meeting Jess and co-creating with her."

- Nicole G


  • Coachable & ready to implement a step-by-step, proven process to break unhealthy relationship patterns

  • Ready to start loving yourself and letting yourself receive healthy love from others

  • Ready to energetically and financially invest into yourself and your growth 

  • Eager to experience massive transformation in the quality of your relationships — finding more fulfillment, joy, and intimacy because it's coming from within you

  • Passionate about the quality of your relationships and ready to take love to the next level


  • You aren't ready to feel and address your emotional wounds and subconscious blocks

  • If you aren't ready to change your own behaviours and habits and only want to blame your ex's for your relationship failure

  • You don't want to spend money on your personal development

  • You aren’t yet fully ready to prioritize yourself

  • You don’t want to put in the time or energy to change your patterns

  • You aren’t willing to acknowledge the ways you are responsible for your own relationships and habits

Need more proof?

My clients have healed their relationships and found lasting love

It takes a little bit of willingness and a big leap of faith to realize your dream relationship is just around the corner